The Importance of having a back-up...

With the number of cyber attacks increasing daily, data-protection should be top-of-mind for today's businesses. Having a working back-up in place is crucial and could save you thousands of pounds and days of your business not being operational if you were to lose access to your key files and data.

Cloud back-up is becoming increasingly popular due to its efficiency, reliability and improved security. It also offers a cheaper alternative to the traditional tape back up. However due to internet speed restrictions, some businesses can still rely on traditional tape drives or other removable media for their critical business data.

Things to think about...

1. Are you backing up the right data?

  • Identify the key data for your business and make sure this takes priority when being backed up
  • Have multiple copies of your backup so you can go back for a period of time

2. Where do you keep your back-ups?

  • Make sure they are stored in a separate location to your computer and ideally off site
  • Ensure that the backups are kept in a secure location, preferably in a fire-proof safe

3. Have you considered the cloud?

  • Using cloud storage means your data is physically separate from your location. We can supply your business with data storage and web services without you needing to invest in expensive hardware upfront
  • Internet speeds are key for online backups. Datcom can advise and assist with your connection if you need to upgrade

4. Check your back-up EVERYDAY!

  • Cloud or on site storage solutions now allow you to make back-ups automatically. Whatever you do make sure that it is set to run and being checked!
  • Assign a member of staff to be responsible for the backups if they need to be stored or taken offsite
Here at Datcom we will monitor your back-up on a daily basis making sure that it is working as it should be. We can also make recommendations for how it could be run better to make sure that your business has the best possible security in place.

Get in touch

Call us on 0333 000 3210 or Email us

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