Office 365 Pros and Cons

If you are considering whether Microsoft Office 365 is a good option for your business there are various things to consider and weigh up:

Pros to using Office 365

  • Guaranteed 99.9% uptime, financially backed service level agreement from Microsoft.
  • Access to emails and services anytime from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • Access to the latest version of Office where on an applicable package.
  • Online storage of 1TB with One Drive for Business for on-the-go access to your files
  • In the event of an internet connection issue you still have access to your emails from alternate internet services such as 3G.
  • Office 365 offers in-built email protection services to help prevent virus outbreaks and spam.
  • Access to SharePoint online for file storage and sharing in conjunction with One Drive for Business.
  • Secure 2 factor authentication for additional security to authorise access with a phone call, text message or smartphone app.
  • The underlying technology is controlled by Microsoft which removes the need for you to maintain the service and equipment.
  • Easy scalability - as the company grows or reduces you can tailor the amount of licenses you pay for.
  • Data stored in EU for UK compliance
  • Constant improvement and development of products and services
  • 150mb send and receive limit for emails
  • Easy migration route from most email providers and services to 365
  • Password synchronisation between Office account and domain account (where a domain is in use on the corporate network).

Cons to using Office 365

  • The underlying technology is controlled by Microsoft which reduces your ability for diagnostics and remediation.
  • A monthly cost for the duration of the contract compared to outright buying and owning the equipment and software for an on premise equivalent.
  • Speed of internet determines response speed of sent/received emails when compared with an on premises implementation.
  • Quality of internet connection determines quality of service.
  • Data stored in EU for UK compliance but not specifically in the UK.
  • Separate authentication data store when single-sign on is not enabled.

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