Cyber Essentials Plus Recertification

Security is at the heart of all our work. So we are happy to say that Datcom has recently re-certified for Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation.

Our customers can be reassured that this means we have attained a specified standard of security excellence for all our internal and external networks, as well as all the devices we have in use. This includes firewalls, routers and hosted systems. The accreditation process also required us to pass a rigorous audit, with both internal and external vulnerability scans.

Govenment backed

Cyber Essentials Plus is the highest level of accreditation under the Cyber Essentials Scheme, which is a Government-backed certification that helps companies guard against cyber threats.

Want your business to become CEP accredited?

To find out more about our Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation, please contact us.

Get in touch

Call us on 0333 000 3210 or Email us

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