Look deeper in to your network

At Datcom our aim is to offer a pro-active managed service. A significant part of achieving this is to monitor and analyse our customer's networked devices and software, preventing outages from hurting business operations. We have a dedicated Network Operations team monitoring over 10,000 networked devices on our client systems. Each device will have multiple sensors to check services and software are functioning correctly. For instance, a server performing multiple roles, such as Remote Desktop Services, will have significantly more sensors than a server only performing file and print services.

We keep all our monitoring data for 365 days which allows long term analysis and identifies network issues before they become a problem.

All Datcom teams operate in a continual improvement framework. This applies to network monitoring, for example, if a problem occurs for one customer, we will investigate, find out why and implement a fix for that client. We will also then deploy that improvement to all other customers who have comparable software or hardware configurations.

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Monitoring does not stop at networked services. The Datcom NetOps team also monitors all PCs for security updates, services, utilisation, performance and other useful metrics which can assist our clients in maintaining a productive workforce.

Monitoring is a valuable tool for companies, helping to achieve consistently high uptime on their systems and adding to workforce productivity and happiness. However, monitoring alerts can still be a ‘reaction’ to an event. Companies need an IT strategy which includes system reliability as a core objective. Challenging strategic decisions are made easier by using long-term monitoring metrics.

IT strategy, reliability, and monitoring is something we aim to excel at and is core to our Managed Service.

Get in touch

Call us on 0333 000 3210 or Email us solutions@datcom.co.uk

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