Cyber Essentials Plus

At Datcom we have successfully recertified as a Cyber Essentials Plus accredited organisation.

Cyber Essentials Plus means that we have met a baseline security standard, set by the government, to protect our data and systems from internal and external vulnerabilities and we have been externally audited to ensure our compliance with the standard.

We are also ISO 20000 Information Security Management accredited (by ISOQAR.) Cyber Essentials Plus fits nicely alongside ISO 20000 and demonstrates to our employees, customers and suppliers that we have robust security systems in place.

Cyber Essentials Plus is an excellent security baseline for organisations to achieve, but due to the nature of our business, we go to greater lengths above the Cyber Essentials Plus baseline to ensure we kept our systems as secure as possible.

Whats the difference between Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus?

Both Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus require the organisation to meet five technical security controls and to have successfully completed an external vulnerability scan of their network.

The five controls are: -

  • Boundary firewalls and internet gateways
  • Secure configuration
  • Access control
  • Malware protection
  • Patch management
However, Cyber Essentials Plus requires an independent audit of your network to verify that you have indeed met the security controls. For this reason, Plus is held in much higher regards compared to the standard Cyber Essentials accreditation.

Should my business get Cyber Essentials Plus accredited?

Any business which deals in data, security or is part of a wider supply chain should absolutely work towards achieving Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation. Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus must be renewed on an annual basis to remain accredited.

Get in touch

Call us on 0333 000 3210 or Email us

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