Cyber security - back to basics

In 2014 60% of small businesses experienced a cyber breach, according to a Government report, and the average cost of the worst breach was between £65,000 and £115,000 writes Hannah Sang of Datcom. How can you ensure your business is safe and protected from online threats?

It's evident from recent, high-profile security breaches that cyber security in business is a top priority. Whether your business uses a range of IT equipment or has a website to advertise your services or carry out financial transactions, you are at risk of a cyber attack.

If you're not already taking measures to reduce the risk of an attack then here is where you should start:

  • Download software updates as soon as you see them
  • Keep your passwords strong by using a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols
  • Immediately delete any suspicious emails
  • Install anti-virus software on your workstations and other devices
  • Raise awareness among your staff and ensure they know what to look out for
For many businesses the steps needed to increase security are a headache. Datcom's experienced and highly qualified engineers can help you define what assets are critical to you and your business and what risks you could be exposed to.

Datcom understands because we are Cyber Essentials and ISO 27001, 9001 & 20000 accredited. We take all aspects of security seriously, which is why we lead by example.

As an IT services company we have taken the necessary measures to ensure we have procedures in place to reduce the risk of cyber threats; it's a big problem for small to medium businesses and it is in the forefront of business owners' minds across the East Midlands.

The reality is that every business is under threat, so if cyber security is something you've been putting off, now is the time to address the issue:

  • Have you thought about reviewing your security practices?
  • Are you testing your IT systems and public-facing technology?
  • What are the latest threats faced by small to medium businesses?
  • Do you have a plan in place if your business security is breached? Who do you call?
If you're wondering what the answers are to the above, or haven't asked yourself these questions, then start to build a safer environment for your business, your customers and your employees by calling Datcom for advice.

Call Hannah Sang, Business Development Manager at Datcom, on 01476 858888. Datcom is a sister company of chartered accountants and business advisers Duncan & Toplis.

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