Datcom is now Cyber Essentials certified

Cyber Essentials is a government backed and industry supported scheme to prove that an organisation has taken steps to protect themselves against cyber threats.

Datcom are pleased to announce that they are now Cyber Essentials certified. Managing Director Andrew Townsend said, "A key part of our business strategy is to ensure that we regularly review and improve on our information security policies. The Cyber Essentials accreditation provides evidence to this commitment."

The Cyber Essential accreditation assures customers that an organisation has taken the necessary steps to secure their systems. For any IT Managed Service Provider it's a must to have tight security controls, with up to date procedures and automated IT systems which can detect, log and block any malicious hacking attempts or data leakage.

Cyber Essentials was developed by the UK government to help significantly reduce the risk for UK businesses from cyber threats, Minister for Cabinet Office, Francis Maude said:

"It's vital that we take steps to reduce the levels of cyber security risk in our supply chain. Cyber Essentials provides a cost-effective foundation of basic measures that can defend against the increasing threat of cyber attack. Businesses can demonstrate that they take this issue seriously and that they have met government requirements to respond to the threat. Gaining this kind of accreditation will also demonstrate to non-government customers a business's clear stance on cyber security."

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