Accountants Tackle Cathedral Abseil for Charity

Taking a leap into the unknown isn't something chartered accountants Duncan & Toplis normally recommend, but that's just what a team of 13 did last week as they abseiled down Peterborough Cathedral.

Taking a leap into the unknown isn't something chartered accountants Duncan & Toplis normally recommend, but that's just what a team of 13 did last week as they abseiled down Peterborough Cathedral.

Under the watchful eye of an experienced team from Derby Mountain Rescue, the teams ascended the spiral staircase of the West Front before emerging within the hollow stone spire of the north-west tower for the 150-foot descent.

Among the brave souls who have raised more than £1,490 so far were Alison Green (Melton office), Daniel Sharpe, Katy Priestley, Adam Lyon, Daniel Coleman (Boston office) and Angela Hornsby (Stamford office).

Also making their way down the outside of the iconic building were Connor Lewis (Skegness office), Sarah Carter, Martin Kirk (Lincoln office), Rebecca Bright (Grantham office) and Emma Pendrigh and Sandra Clements (Sleaford office).

The funds raised will all go to the Cathedral's Peterborough 900 Campaign, a fundraising drive which has been established to coincide with the Cathedral's 900th anniversary in 2018.

Tom Hindmarch, Director at Duncan & Toplis based in Stamford, said: "This was a great event and it was inspiring to see such a tremendous team effort being made from across the company.

"It is a spectacular building and we were pleased to be able to get involved in contributing towards sustaining its future."

Joining in with the fun was Duncan & Toplis sister company Datcom's Andy Maddison.

Andrew Townsend, Director at Datcom, said: "We want to say well done to our own Andy Maddison and thank Duncan & Toplis for their organisation of the event. Maybe this will become an annual occurrence!"

The team is still accepting sponsorship to raise as much as they possibly can for the Cathedral. To donate, visit the Abseil Just Giving page.

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